Understanding Part Time Hours for Employers

part time hours


Part-time work has become increasingly common in the UK as both employers and employees seek greater flexibility in their work arrangements. The trend is driven by diverse factors, including the growing importance of work-life balance, the rise of the gig economy and changing workforce demographics.

For employers, the challenges when dealing with part-time hours include understanding the rights and entitlements of this type of worker and adapting approaches to managing these working on a part-time basis.

In this guide for employers, we explain what is classed as part-time hours and how – except in limited circumstances – the law protects these workers from less favourable treatment than full-time workers by reason of working part-time.


Section A: What are Part-Time Hours?


There is no standard definition for part-time hours and no legal maximum or minimum number of hours before someone is considered a part-time worker. Instead, under the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 (“the 2000 Regulations”) a person is classed as part-time if they are not a full-time worker based on the ‘custom and practice’ where they work. The 2000 Regulations provide that a worker is a part-time worker:

“…if s/he is paid wholly or in part by reference to the time s/he works and, having regard to the custom and practice of the employer in relation to workers employed by the worker’s employer under the same type of contract, is not identifiable as a full-time worker”.

Essentially, this means that a part-time worker is someone who works fewer contracted hours than a full-time worker for that particular type of work within the workplace in question.

In some organisations, full-time hours might be 30 hours and above over the course of one week, whereas in others, full-time hours might be 35 hours or more a week.

Even though a part-time worker will undertake fewer contracted hours than a full-time worker, they may still have the option to work overtime if and when desired.

Job sharing and term-time working are both forms of part-time working, where members of staff who work under such arrangements have the same rights as other part-time workers. Many employers will often provide these types of flexible working arrangements to allow individuals to fit their work around other commitments, creating a better work/life balance for their staff.


1. Benefits of Offering Part-Time Hours


As the nature of work continues to evolve, offering part-time hours has become an increasingly attractive option for many employers. This approach not only meets the diverse needs of the workforce but also brings numerous advantages to businesses.


a. Increased Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits of offering part-time hours is the increased flexibility it provides to both employers and employees. Employers can schedule part-time workers during peak times or to cover specific shifts, ensuring that labour costs align more closely with business needs. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt quickly to changing market demands and operational requirements without the need to maintain a larger full-time workforce.

For employees, part-time hours offer the ability to balance work with personal responsibilities, education, or other pursuits, which can lead to a more motivated and engaged workforce.


b. Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention
Offering part-time hours can significantly boost employee satisfaction. Many workers value the ability to tailor their work schedules to fit their personal lives, leading to higher morale and job satisfaction. Satisfied employees are more likely to remain with the company, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of recruiting and training new staff.

Additionally, when employees feel that their work-life balance is respected, they are more likely to be loyal and committed to their employer, fostering a positive workplace culture.


c. Cost Savings
From a financial perspective, part-time employment can lead to substantial cost savings for employers. Part-time workers typically do not require the same level of benefits as full-time employees, such as health insurance or retirement contributions, which can reduce overall compensation expenses.

Additionally, by employing part-time staff to cover busy periods or specific tasks, businesses can optimise labour costs and improve efficiency, ultimately contributing to a healthier bottom line.


d. More Diverse Talent Pool
Offering part-time hours can help attract a diverse talent pool, including individuals who may not be able to commit to full-time work. This includes students, parents, retirees, and those with other personal commitments.

By accommodating these groups, employers can tap into a broader range of skills, experiences, and perspectives, which can enhance creativity and innovation within the organisation. A diverse workforce also reflects positively on the company’s reputation, making it more attractive to potential employees and customers alike.


Section B: Part-Time Workers’ Rights


In most cases, part-time workers have the same rights and entitlements as full-time workers, albeit in an equal proportion to the number of hours that they work, which means applying the pro rata principle as appropriate.

The pro rata principle means that where a comparable full-time worker receives (or is entitled to receive) pay or any other benefit, a part-time worker is to receive (or be entitled to receive) not less than the proportion of that pay or other benefit that the number of their weekly hours bears to the number of weekly hours of the full-time worker doing the same work.

Employment law protections and rights afforded to part-time workers include anyone who works under a contract of employment, i.e., employees, or any other contract for providing services personally, i.e., workers such as zero-hours contract workers, casual workers and agency staff.

As with full-time workers, part-time workers can hold permanent positions, and their contract of employment should contain many of the same contractual provisions as their full-time counterparts.

As such, if you employ a part-time worker, in addition to any basic statutory entitlements, they should receive the pro rata equivalent to any comparable full-time worker for any contractual entitlements provided by your company or organisation, including:


a. Pay rates and bonuses

b. Sick pay

c. Annual leave

d. Maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay

e. Training and career development

f. Opportunities for career breaks

g. Selection for promotion and transfer

h. Selection for redundancy

i. Occupational pension opportunities and benefits


1. Protection Against Unfavourable Treatment


The 2000 Regulations give part-time workers the right, in principle, not to be treated less favourably than full-time workers of the same employer who work under the same type of employment contract simply because they are part-time.

However, there are some limited circumstances in which less favourable treatment can be justified on objective grounds. This means that the normal rules relating to part-time workers can be broken where the reason for the difference in treatment is necessary to achieve a legitimate aim and is the most appropriate way to meet a genuine business need.

An example of objective justification could include a part-time worker who is denied health insurance, even though a comparable full-time worker has this, because of the disproportionate cost to the business of providing the benefit.

It is worth noting that it will not be treated as a less favourable treatment to pay a part-time worker a lower rate of pay for any overtime worked beyond their normal hours, save except where they have exceeded the number of hours that the comparable full-time worker is required to work to be entitled to any enhanced pay rate.

This means that you are entitled to set the same hours threshold for enhanced overtime pay as for full-time workers, and only once this threshold has been reached will the part-time worker become entitled to a higher pay rate.


a. Written Statement of Reasons

If a part-time worker is treated less favourably as regards the terms of their contract or by being subjected to any other detriment within the workplace under the 2000 Regulations, they have a statutory right, on request, to a written statement of reasons for the treatment.

Having received a request, you must respond in writing within 21 days. If the worker is not satisfied that the reasons given for not treating them in the same way as a full-time worker are objectively justified, they may be able to take a case to an employment tribunal. Any written statement you provide can be taken into account by the tribunal hearing the complaint.

If it appears to the tribunal that you have deliberately, and without reasonable excuse, omitted to provide a written statement or that the written statement is evasive or equivocal, it may draw an inference that the rights of the part-time worker have been infringed.


b. Identifying a Comparable Full-Time Worker

A comparable worker is defined as a full-time worker who is employed by the same employer under the same type of contract as the part-time worker and is engaged in the same or broadly similar work.
When considering whether the work is similar, the level of qualifications, skills and experience necessary to undertake the job roles may be taken into account, although minor differences, especially where the work of the part-time worker is of equal or greater value, should be disregarded.

In circumstances where a full-time worker has reduced their hours to become a part-time worker, that worker is entitled to compare their new part-time terms and conditions with those s/he had when they worked on a full-time basis.


2. Pay Rates and Bonuses


Part-time workers have the legal right to equal pay for equal work. This means that they must be paid the same hourly rate or basic rate of pay as a comparable full-time worker.

In the case of bonuses, the benefit may need to be applied pro-rata, i.e., in proportion to the number of hours undertaken by the part-time worker. For example, if a full-time worker is paid an annual bonus of £500, whereas a part-time worker works only half the number of hours, they should be paid £250.


3. Selection for Redundancy


In a redundancy situation, part-time workers should be treated no less favourably than their full-time equivalents. Different treatment of part-time and full-time workers will only be lawful if it can be justified on objective grounds.


4. Sick Pay


To comply with the law in relation to contractual sick pay, part-time workers should not be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers in terms of calculating the rate of pay, the length of service required to qualify for any payment of contractual sick pay and the length of time the payment is received.


5. Annual leave


In cases where comparable full-time workers have an enhanced contractual entitlement to annual leave, part-time workers should have the same entitlement on a pro-rata basis. This means that if a part-time worker undertakes 50% of the hours of their full-time colleague doing the same job, they will be entitled to the equivalent of 50% of their annual leave allocation.


6. Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave and Pay


As with contractual sick pay, part-time workers should not be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers in terms of calculating the rate of maternity, paternity and adoption pay, the length of service needed to qualify for any such payment and the length of time the payment is received.

In relation to any enhanced contractual right to maternity, paternity and adoption leave, the right to take leave should be available to part-time workers in the same way as for comparable full time workers.


7. Training and Career Development


Part-time workers must not be excluded from training or opportunities for career development simply because they work on a part-time basis. This means that, wherever possible, training will need to be scheduled to suit most members of staff, including part-time workers.


8. Opportunities for Career Breaks


Career break schemes should be available to part-time workers in the same way as for comparable full-time workers unless their exclusion is objectively justified on grounds other than their part-time status.


9. Selection for Promotion and Transfer


Part-time workers must not be excluded from promotion or transfer because they work on a part-time basis unless it can be justified objectively.


10. Occupational Pension Benefits


Both full-time and part-time workers should have equal access to any occupational pension schemes. This means that part-time workers have the same rights to join any workplace pension scheme or be automatically enrolled, provided that they are eligible for this.


11. Changing from Full Time to Part Time Hours


It is possible to change an employee’s contracted hours from full to part-time, provided you have agreed the changes with them.

In addition, a right is given to workers who become part-time or, having been full-time, return part-time after absence, for example, following maternity leave, to not be treated less favourably than they were before going part-time. In these circumstances, the worker would be entitled to compare their part-time conditions with their previous full-time contract.


Section C: Strategies for Implementing Part-Time Hours


Implementing part-time hours effectively requires careful planning and strategic management to ensure compliance with employment laws and that both business needs and employee expectations are met.


1. Assessing Business Needs and Roles Suitable for Part-Time Work


The first step in implementing part-time hours is to conduct a thorough assessment of your business needs and identify which roles can be effectively filled by part-time employees. Determine which tasks or projects have fluctuating demands and could benefit from the flexibility of part-time staff. Evaluate each role to see if its responsibilities can be distributed among part-time employees without compromising productivity or quality. Seek feedback from current employees about their interest in part-time work and any suggestions they might have for structuring such roles. Ensure that the creation of part-time roles adheres to all relevant labour laws and regulations.


2. Scheduling Strategies


Effective scheduling is critical to the success of part-time work arrangements. Offer flexible hours that accommodate the personal commitments of part-time employees, such as family care, education, or other jobs. Implement staggered shifts to ensure coverage throughout the day without overstaffing during low-demand periods. Schedule part-time workers during peak periods to manage high workloads efficiently.

Continuously review and adjust schedules based on business needs and employee availability.


3. Using Technology for Managing Part-Time Schedules


Leveraging technology can simplify the management of part-time schedules and improve overall efficiency. Scheduling software can be used to create, adjust, and communicate schedules easily. Many platforms offer features like shift swapping, availability tracking, and automated reminders.

Implement time tracking systems to monitor hours worked and ensure accurate payroll processing. Also, encourage the use of mobile apps that allow part-time employees to view their schedules, request changes, and receive updates in real time. Use data analytics to predict staffing needs and optimise scheduling based on historical patterns and trends.


4. Communicating Clearly with Part-Time Employees


Clear and consistent communication is essential for managing part-time employees effectively. Provide comprehensive orientation and training to ensure part-time employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Managers should schedule regular check-ins to discuss performance, address concerns, provide feedback, and maintain open communication channels, such as email, messaging apps, or intranet platforms, for easy and timely communication.

Also, part-time employees should be included in team meetings and company updates to foster a sense of inclusion and keep them informed about organisational developments.


Section D: Common Challenges and Solutions


Implementing part-time work arrangements can present several challenges that employers need to address to ensure effective operations and a motivated workforce.


1. Managing Workload Distribution


One of the primary challenges of part-time work is ensuring that the workload is distributed evenly and appropriately among employees. This can be particularly difficult when coordinating tasks between full-time and part-time staff or when part-time employees work on different schedules.

Solutions to this challenge include developing comprehensive work plans that outline specific tasks and responsibilities for each employee. This ensures clarity and helps balance the workload. Task prioritisation is also crucial; by prioritising tasks based on urgency and importance and allocating them accordingly, employers can manage workloads more effectively. Using project management tools to track progress and deadlines can further aid in this effort.

In addition, creating a flexible workforce by maintaining a pool of part-time workers who can be called upon to cover additional shifts or tasks when needed can help manage workload fluctuations effectively. Regular reviews are also important; conducting regular workload assessments and adjusting task allocations as necessary can prevent overburdening any single employee, ensuring a more balanced and efficient workflow.


2. Communication


Effective communication is essential for maintaining productivity and team cohesion. However, ensuring seamless communication can be challenging when part-time employees work different hours or are not always present during regular business hours.

One solution is to use unified communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or other collaboration software to keep all employees connected regardless of their schedules. These platforms facilitate instant messaging, file sharing, and virtual meetings, making it easier for everyone to stay in touch and up-to-date.

Implementing regular update meetings or check-ins that include part-time employees is another effective strategy. These meetings can be brief but ensure that everyone is informed about ongoing projects and company news, helping to bridge the communication gap caused by different working hours.

Establishing clear communication channels and protocols is also crucial. Designating points of contact for different issues and ensuring that part-time employees know who to reach out to when they need information or assistance can greatly enhance communication efficiency.

Finally, maintaining a centralised repository of information, such as an intranet or shared drive, allows employees to access important documents, schedules, and updates at any time. This ensures that part-time staff have the resources they need, even when they are not present during regular business hours, thereby improving overall communication and cohesion within the team.


3. Handling Employee Requests and Expectations


Balancing employee requests for flexibility with business needs can be challenging. Part-time employees may have varying expectations regarding their hours, roles, and career progression, which can lead to potential conflicts or dissatisfaction if not managed properly.

To address this, develop clear and transparent policies regarding part-time work arrangements. These policies should include how requests for changes in hours or roles will be handled and should be communicated to all employees to ensure everyone is aware of the guidelines.

Equitable treatment of part-time employees is also crucial. Ensure that they receive the same access to training, development opportunities, and benefits as full-time staff, where applicable. This helps maintain morale and supports career progression for all employees.

Establishing regular feedback mechanisms, such as surveys or one-on-one meetings, is another important strategy. By understanding employee needs and expectations through regular feedback, employers can make informed decisions about work arrangements and policies, reducing potential conflicts and increasing satisfaction.

Offering flexible solutions that meet both employee requests and business needs is essential. This might include job sharing, flexible hours, or opportunities for remote work. Finding a balance between flexibility and business requirements can help create a more harmonious and productive work environment.


Section E: Case Studies and Examples


Implementing part-time work arrangements has proven successful for many UK companies across various industries. These success stories highlight how different organisations have leveraged part-time hours to achieve business objectives, enhance employee satisfaction, and improve overall efficiency.


1. Case Studies


a. John Lewis Partnership

John Lewis, a renowned retail company in the UK, has effectively implemented part-time work arrangements to accommodate seasonal fluctuations in demand. By employing part-time staff during peak shopping periods, such as Christmas and sales events, John Lewis ensures optimal customer service and operational efficiency without the need for a large full-time workforce. This flexible staffing approach has contributed to high employee satisfaction and retention, as workers appreciate the ability to balance work with personal commitments.


b. British Airways

British Airways has successfully integrated part-time roles into its operations, particularly for cabin crew and ground staff. By offering part-time hours, the airline can manage varying flight schedules and passenger volumes more efficiently. Part-time work options have also made British Airways an attractive employer for individuals seeking work-life balance, such as parents and students. This strategy has helped the company maintain a skilled and motivated workforce while meeting operational needs.


c. PwC

PwC, a leading professional services firm, has embraced part-time work to support its diverse workforce. The firm offers flexible working hours and part-time positions to employees at all levels, from entry-level to senior management. This approach has enabled PwC to attract and retain top talent, including professionals who require flexibility due to caregiving responsibilities or further education. The positive impact on employee engagement and productivity has reinforced PwC’s reputation as a forward-thinking employer.


2. Sector Perspectives


a. Healthcare Sector
In the healthcare sector, part-time work arrangements have been instrumental in addressing staff shortages and providing continuous patient care. NHS Trusts across the UK offer part-time roles to healthcare professionals, such as nurses and doctors, allowing them to balance demanding work schedules with personal life. This flexibility has improved job satisfaction and reduced burnout among healthcare workers, contributing to better patient outcomes and staff retention.


b. Education

The education sector has also benefited from part-time work arrangements. Many schools and universities in the UK employ part-time teachers and lecturers to cover specific subjects or modules. This approach not only ensures a diverse range of expertise but also allows educational institutions to manage budgets effectively. Part-time teaching positions are particularly appealing to professionals who wish to combine teaching with research or other vocational pursuits.


c. Technology

In the technology sector, companies like Google UK and Microsoft have implemented part-time work options to foster innovation and inclusivity. Offering part-time roles and flexible working hours enables tech firms to attract a broader talent pool, including individuals with caregiving responsibilities or those pursuing further studies. This flexibility has been shown to enhance creativity, employee satisfaction, and overall organisational performance.


d. Hospitality Sector

The hospitality sector, known for its dynamic and customer-centric nature, extensively utilises part-time work arrangements. Hotels, restaurants, and event venues often rely on part-time staff to manage varying customer demands and seasonal peaks. For example, part-time roles for waitstaff, housekeeping, and front desk personnel provide the flexibility needed to ensure excellent service during busy periods. This approach not only improves operational efficiency but also offers employment opportunities to students and individuals seeking flexible hours.


Section F: Future Trends in Part-Time Work


The landscape of part-time work is continually evolving, influenced by changing societal norms, technological advancements, and shifting economic conditions.


1. Growing Acceptance of Flexible Working Hours


Part-time hours are becoming increasingly accepted and even expected by the modern workforce, culminating in a change in the law that means workers in the UK are now entitled to request flexible working from day one of employment. As such, the traditional 9-to-5 workday is giving way to more adaptable schedules that accommodate personal and professional needs.

The rise of remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has demonstrated that flexible working arrangements can be effective and productive. Employees are now also prioritising work-life balance more than ever, seeking arrangements that allow them to manage their personal responsibilities alongside their professional commitments.

Employers will need to continue evolving their policies to offer flexible working hours, attracting and retaining talent by meeting their needs for flexibility. This trend will likely result in a more diverse range of working patterns, including part-time, remote, and hybrid work models.


2. Impact of Technology on Part-Time Work Dynamics


Technology is transforming the dynamics of part-time work, making it easier for employers to manage flexible schedules and for employees to stay connected and productive.

The proliferation of digital collaboration tools, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, facilitates communication and teamwork among part-time and remote employees, allowing employers to increasingly rely on technology to manage part-time work arrangements.

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) also streamline administrative tasks, allowing part-time employees to focus on more value-added activities.

The rise of the gig economy – through platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo, and Upwork – also continues to influence part-time employment patterns, offering more varied and flexible job opportunities and reshaping the traditional employment landscape.


3. Predictions for Part-Time Employment Trends in the UK


Part-time employment is expected to continue growing in the UK, driven by demographic shifts, economic factors, and changing work preferences.

As the UK population ages, more older workers may opt for part-time roles to transition gradually into retirement while maintaining an income.

Economic fluctuations and uncertainties, such as those related to Brexit, the cost of living crisis and global market changes, may lead businesses to prefer part-time over full-time hiring to maintain flexibility and control costs.

Younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, often seek part-time work to balance multiple interests and commitments, such as education or entrepreneurial ventures.

The UK labour market is likely to see a continued increase in part-time employment across various sectors. Employers will need to adapt by creating more part-time opportunities and ensuring these roles are attractive and well-supported. Policies and practices that promote inclusivity, fair treatment, and development opportunities for part-time workers will become increasingly important.

In summary, the future of part-time work in the UK is shaped by the growing acceptance of flexible working hours, the transformative impact of technology, and evolving employment trends. By staying informed about these trends, employers can better prepare for the future, ensuring they remain competitive and attractive to a diverse and dynamic workforce.


Section G: Summary


Implementing part-time hours can offer numerous benefits to UK employers, including increased flexibility, improved employee satisfaction and retention, cost savings, and the attraction of a diverse talent pool.

However, hiring part-time workers also demands an understanding of their specific rights, as well as specific strategies for managing part-time workers.

UK employment laws provide a framework to protect the rights of part-time workers and ensure they are treated fairly. Part-time workers have the same rights as full-time workers in terms of pay, leave entitlements and other employment conditions. Employers must ensure that part-time employees are not disadvantaged in comparison to their full-time counterparts, except where objectively justified.


Section H: Need Assistance?


With expertise in employment law and HR, our advisers help organisations implement part-time hours and provide guidance on managing part-time workers. For specialist help and advice, speak to our experts.


Section I: FAQs


What is considered part-time hours in UK?
There is no set formula for calculating part-time hours in the UK. A part-time worker is simply someone who works fewer contracted hours than a full-time worker for that particular type of work within the workplace in question.


How many hours a week is part-time?
What constitutes part-time hours will depend on how many hours are undertaken by a comparable full-time worker, ie; doing the same work in the same workplace. In some cases, full-time hours might be 30 hours and above, whereas in others, full-time hours might be 35 hours or more a week.


How many hours a day is part-time?
Generally, part-time work is described as any time between 1 and 34 hours of work per week rather than this being assessed on a daily basis. However, there is no legal maximum or minimum number of hours before someone is considered a part-time worker, either weekly or daily.


Does my employer have to give me part-time hours?
An employer does not have to grant an employee part-time hours, although an employee is entitled to make a flexible working request where they have worked for that employer for at least 26 weeks. This request must be considered by the employer in a reasonable manner and should only be refused if there is a good business reason for so doing.


What are the main benefits of offering part-time hours to employees?
Offering part-time hours can increase flexibility, improve employee satisfaction and retention, reduce costs, and attract a diverse talent pool. These benefits can enhance operational efficiency and create a more adaptable and motivated workforce.


What roles are best suited for part-time work?
Roles with fluctuating demands, tasks that can be distributed without compromising quality, and positions that align with peak business hours are well-suited for part-time work. Assess your business needs and employee feedback to identify suitable roles.


How can I manage workload distribution effectively with part-time employees?
Use detailed planning, task prioritisation, and flexible workforce strategies. Conduct regular workload assessments and adjust task allocations to balance responsibilities and prevent overburdening any employee.


What tools can help manage part-time schedules?
Scheduling software, time-tracking systems, and mobile apps can simplify schedule management. These tools facilitate communication, monitor hours worked, and help with shift swapping and availability tracking.


How can I ensure seamless communication with part-time employees?
Use unified communication platforms, schedule regular update meetings, maintain clear communication channels, and provide a centralised information repository. Ensure part-time employees are included in team activities and informed about company updates.


How should I handle employee requests and expectations regarding part-time work?
Develop transparent policies, ensure equitable treatment, establish regular feedback mechanisms, and offer flexible solutions that meet both employee requests and business needs. Communicate policies clearly to all employees.


Section J: Glossary


Part-Time Work: Employment where an employee works fewer hours than a full-time schedule, typically less than 35 hours per week.

Flexibility: The ability to adjust work hours, roles, and locations to meet both employee and employer needs, promoting work-life balance and operational efficiency.

Employee Satisfaction: The level of contentment employees feel towards their job, which can influence their performance, retention, and overall engagement with the company.

Retention: The ability of an organisation to keep its employees over time, reducing turnover rates and maintaining a stable workforce.

Cost Savings: Reduction in expenses achieved through various strategies, including the use of part time workers to lower payroll and benefit costs.

Talent Pool: A group of potential candidates available for employment, including individuals with various skills, experiences, and backgrounds.

Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000: UK legislation that protects part-time employees from being treated less favourably than their full-time counterparts unless there is an objective justification.

Workload Distribution: The allocation of tasks and responsibilities among employees to ensure balanced and efficient completion of work.

Scheduling Software: Tools and applications used to create, manage, and communicate work schedules, facilitating coordination and planning.

Communication Platforms: Digital tools that enable communication and collaboration among employees, including instant messaging, video conferencing, and file-sharing applications.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Specific, measurable metrics used to evaluate an employee’s performance and productivity in relation to their goals and responsibilities.

Onboarding: The process of integrating a new employee into an organisation, including orientation, training, and acclimatisation to company culture and policies.

Mentorship Programmes: Structured initiatives where experienced employees guide and support less experienced workers, fostering professional development and knowledge sharing.

Performance Reviews: Regular assessments of an employee’s job performance, providing feedback, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and setting future goals.

Collaboration Tools: Digital tools designed to facilitate teamwork and information sharing, such as project management software and communication apps.

Remote Work: A work arrangement where employees perform their job duties outside of the traditional office environment, often from home or other locations.

Gig Economy: A labour market characterised by short-term contracts, freelance work, and temporary positions facilitated by digital platforms.

Work-Life Balance: The equilibrium between an individual’s work responsibilities and personal life, promoting overall well-being and job satisfaction.

Job Sharing: An arrangement where two or more employees share the responsibilities and hours of a single full-time position, offering flexibility and work-life balance.

Hybrid Work Model: A work arrangement that combines elements of both remote and in-office work, allowing employees to split their time between different work environments.

Inclusion: The practice of creating a workplace environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported, regardless of their differences.


Section K: Additional Resources


UK Government’s Guide to Part-time Work


Flexible Working Regulations 2014


National Minimum Wage and Living Wage Rates


UK Government Employment Law and HR Advice




Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

Read more about DavidsonMorris here


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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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