British Citizenship for Tier 1 Investors

For high net worth individuals from outside of Europe, the Tier 1 (Investor) Visa offers one of the most attractive routes to settlement in Britain. And under the current scheme, the more that investors put into the UK economy, the sooner British Citizenship for Tier 1 investors becomes available. The Tier 1 Investor Visa application process is, […]

Tier 1 Investor Visa Quickest Route to Settlement in the UK

The Tier 1 Investor Visa is one of Britain’s greats. It allows investors from all over the world to come to the United Kingdom and invest great sums of money into British businesses, which in turn betters the economy. With foreign investments injecting money, companies are able to expand, increase wages for their employees (which […]

Tier 1 Investor changes

Changes to the Tier 1 Investor visa have been announced. The Tier 1 Investor changes come into effect on 6 November 2014 and include the following: The current £1 million minimum investment threshold is being raised to £2 million. The £5m & £10m options are still as before. A change is being made to require […]

Tier 1 investor property – Maximising your return

What if your UK property investment could set you on the fast track to British Citizenship? It can, and it does. Introduced in 2008, the Tier 1 Investor visa allows high-net worth individuals who are able to make a substantial investment in the British economy the ability to reside in the UK and ultimately qualify […]

Tier 1 Investor Visa Changes

As you may have read in our earlier blog, the recent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Report recommended Tier 1 Investor visa changes including raising the investment threshold from the current £1 mil to £2 mil, and the ability for some visas to be auctioned off at £2.5 mil. Although the MAC Report is not a statement […]

Foreign Executives Get ‘Great Club Visa’

Great Club Visa At last we are finally opening the door and putting out the welcome mat to those who bring economic benefit to the UK. Below is the article in today’s BBC. Foreign business executives with “strong links” to the UK will get help to expedite their visa applications under a new Home Office […]

Relaxed – Visa for Chinese to UK

Relaxed – Visa for Chinese to UK Visa rules for Chinese coming to the UK are to be relaxed George Osborne: “We are two great trading nations, with a shared interest in keeping the trade routes of the world open and free”. Visa applications for Chinese visitors entering the UK will be simplified, Chancellor George […]

London Visa

Boris Johnson is in talks with the Home Office over setting up a “London visa” to attract business talent to the capital reports Pippa Crerar in tonights Evening Standard. The Mayor’s office has submitted plans to Theresa May’s department for a yearly allocation of 100 “exceptional talent” visas. The Home Office currently issues 1,000 such […]