Do You Pay Employees More in a Leap Year?

Do you pay employees more in a leap year?

Paying an employee the right amount is both a legal requirement and critical to fostering positive employer-employee relations. However, disputes over pay remain one of the most common workplace issues, and while they are generally easily resolved if dealt with quickly, they are best avoided altogether. In some cases, the issue often arises when there […]

Lone Working: Keeping your Employees Safe

lone working

Lone working is commonplace in the UK across a range of industry sectors. Where such arrangements are in place, employers are under specific legal obligations to safeguard the health and wellbeing of their lone-working staff.   What is lone working? Lone working, as defined by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), refers to any working […]

Draft Paternity Leave Regulations Published

The UK Government has published the draft Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 stetting out proposed changes to paternity leave rights. The new rules are set to come into effect when the Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC) is or after on 6 April 2024.   Key changes under the draft legislation The key changes under the […]

New Guidance Simplifies Holiday Pay Calculations 

ntl application

The UK Government has issued new guidance on holiday pay aimed at simplifying calculations and clarifying entitlements, particularly for irregular hours and part-year workers. The Department for Business and Trade’s guidance on holiday pay and entitlement reforms outlines how employers should apply recent changes to the holiday pay provisions of the Working Time Regulations, as […]

How to Manage Long Term Sickness Absence

long term sickness absence

Long term sickness absence can quickly become challenging for employers, raising both practical and potentially legal issues. For managers, it can be difficult to know in the circumstances what they should do to ensure they are providing adequate support to the absent worker, while also being mindful of the interests of other staff and the […]

How to Calculate Holiday Pay & Entitlement

holiday pay

Entitlement to paid time off work is a fundamental workplace right in the UK. How much pay and time off work someone is entitled to will depend on several factors. This places an obligation on employers to ensure they are calculating holiday pay and entitlement correctly, or risk unwanted complaints and disputes with their workforce. […]

Variation Clauses in Employment Contracts

variation clauses

Variation clauses in contracts of employment play an important role in allowing flexibility in workforce management, but they are not without risk. In this guide for employers, we explain what the law says about varying employees’ contract terms, and how employers should approach making changes to employment terms and conditions with minimal legal risk.   […]

UK Legal Working Hours Explained

uk legal working hours

The legal working hours rules in the UK should form an important part of the knowledge base of anyone responsible for organising and overseeing the working hours of members of staff. The following comprehensive guide for employers, HR personnel and line managers looks at the law on working hours, including rest periods and rest breaks, […]

Managing Staff Relocations

If you are considering moving your business – whether you are reducing costs, need more space or are merging with another business – you will need to understand the legal implications of staff relocations. This means following a fair process to ensure you are not breaching your employees’ rights. You will need to know whether […]

Mutuality of Obligation: Employers’ Guide

mutuality of obligation

Under UK law, an individual’s employment status determines their workplace rights and entitlements, as well as the obligations of their employer. Understanding the rules around employment status can be important in establishing the respective rights and responsibilities of the employer and the individual presenting for work, where there are a number of legal tests to […]