Types of Employment Status

types of employment status

An individual’s employment status will determine their employment rights and their employer’s legal obligations towards them. There are three types of employment status: employees, workers and those who are self-employed. Of these groups, employees have the most rights and entitlements in comparison to workers and the self-employed. In reality, there is not always agreement between […]

ACAS Opens Consultation on Predictable Working

extend probation period

ACAS has launched a public consultation on its draft code of practice for responding to requests for predictable work schedules. The draft statutory code outlines the procedures that employers must follow when responding to requests for more consistent working schedules or hours. These procedures include the practical considerations employers should take into account when handling […]

Employment Law Rules For Night Shifts

night shift rights

Night shifts are a common feature in today’s economy. Understanding your workers’ rights and your responsibilities as an employer can help ensure your workforce stays safe and that you don’t fall foul of the employment laws on night working and working unsociable hours. The following guide for employers sets out the employment law on night […]

Different Types of Pay Structures

different types pay structures

There are various different types of pay structures that can be implemented within an organisation, although the most suitable structure will depend on a number of factors including the nature and size of your business, the composition of the workforce, and the ways in which you want to incentivise and reward that workforce to meet […]

Employing Young Workers

employing young workers

Workers under the age of 18 have particular legal rights in the UK. These rules are designed to provide younger workers with additional protections due to their age, ensuring that they don’t work long or unsociable hours and are paid a minimum wage, where applicable. Employing young workers can bring many benefits to a business, […]

Making Someone Redundant During Maternity Leave

Redundancy During Maternity Leave

Redundancy is rarely straightforward, but the process presents additional if any of the affected employees are on maternity leave. The law recognises the vulnerable position of pregnant workers and those on maternity leave and affords them specific legal protections. This does not mean you cannot make workers redundant while on maternity, but employers have to […]

Increase in National Living Wage from April 2024

increase in NLW

The National Living Wage (NLW) will increase to over £11 an hour from April 2024, up from £10.42 an hour for the current financial year 2023/2024, the UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has confirmed. The rise takes the NLW to two-thirds of average earnings and would mean the annual earnings of a full-time worker on the […]

Monitoring Employees: What Employers Need to Know

monitoring employees

Monitoring employees can be an effective way for employers to safeguard their staff from unsafe working practices or the threat of crime. Monitoring can also be used to ensure that staff are conducting themselves in accordance with workplace rules and, in limited cases, to prove misconduct in the context of disciplinary action. The use of […]

Bereavement Leave Guide for Employers

bereavement leave

When a staff member loses a loved on, employers are in the position of balancing compassion and support while ensuring minimal disruption to operations. This generally means giving the employee some time off work to grieve and to make necessary arrangements. The law itself offers little clarity on bereavement leave – except in the case […]

Can Employees Go On Holiday While Off Sick?

Ordinarily, you would not expect an employee to be going on holiday while on sick leave. In many cases, this would serve to undermine the extent of any reported illness or injury, providing grounds for disciplinary action or even dismissal where this is indicative of malingering. Still, there may be cases when going on holiday […]