Working Out Redundancy Pay: Employers’ Guide

redundancy pay

Redundancy pay is a statutory entitlement for eligible employees who are being made redundant by their employer. Redundancy pay is designed to alleviate the impact of job loss on the livelihoods and wellbeing of those affected, providing some financial breathing space to find new employment or transition to something new. Given the importance of redundancy […]

Dealing with Gross Misconduct at Work

gross misconduct

Gross misconduct relates to the most severe breaches of workplace standards of behaviour that are sufficiently serious to potentially justify instant dismissal. Incidents of gross misconduct at work demand immediate and decisive action by the employer. However, responding to allegations of gross misconduct and taking disciplinary action against an employee are fraught with legal risk. Employers […]

Hiring Zero Hour Contract Workers

zero hour contract

A zero hour contract is an agreement between an employer and worker that does not provide guaranteed working hours. Zero hour contracts have emerged as common practice within sectors such as retail due to the flexibility they give to both the employer and the employee. For employers, this means workers are only paid for the […]

Payment in Lieu of Notice: PILON Rules

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Payment in lieu of notice, or PILON, is where an employee is paid by their employer for their notice period instead of them working this time when their employment is terminated without notice. PILON can apply to many different types of dismissal. If an employer fails to meet their obligations by not paying the correct […]

Employment Case Law Update June 2024

employment case law update July 2023

Read on for our monthly digest for employers on upcoming employment law changes and key, recent employment tribunal cases.   Indirect Discrimination Boohene and Ors v Royal Parks Ltd   The claimants were employed by a contractor working on an outsourced maintenance contract for Royal Parks. Although Royal Parks had committed to ensuring its employees […]

Settlement Agreements for Employers

settlement agreement

Settlement agreements offer employers and employees a way to end employment on mutually agreed terms. Effective use of these agreements can help employers mitigate risks, protect company interests, and maintain a positive workplace environment. They also ensure that any potential claims are resolved without the need for lengthy and costly legal proceedings. However, for a […]

Should You Offer Voluntary Redundancy?

voluntary redundancy

Voluntary redundancy is an option for employers to consider as an alternative to making compulsory redundancies. For employers, it is important to understand the legal and personnel issues of offering voluntary redundancy to avoid complaints and potential legal claims. In this guide, we explain what voluntary redundancy means and how it works in practice, as […]

How to Calculate Pro Rata Salary & Holiday

pro rata

Pro rata is a term derived from the Latin phrase “pro rata parte,” meaning “in proportion.” In the context of employment, pro rata refers to the proportional allocation of salary, holiday entitlement, or other benefits based on the actual time worked compared to a full-time schedule. This concept is particularly relevant for part-time employees, those […]

Constructive Dismissal for Employers

constructive dismissal

Constructive dismissal is when an employer has committed a sufficiently serious breach of contract that the employee’s only option is to resign in response to the employer’s conduct or treatment. The employee may then bring a claim against the employer at the Employment Tribunal. Since constructive dismissal can have significant legal and financial implications for employers, […]

Protected Characteristics: A Guide for Employers

protected characteristics

In the UK, it is unlawful to treat someone unfairly at work due to protected characteristics, as specified under the Equality Act 2010. The protected characteristics which are safeguarded against discrimination under the Act include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Discrimination […]