Employing Casual Workers (HR Help)

casual worker

The term ‘casual worker’ describes an individual who is not part of a business’s permanent workforce. Casual workers typically supply services on a flexible or irregular basis, usually to meet varying demand for work. It is not defined in employment law, rather, it is a catch-all phrase used to describe someone who does not have […]

Employment Law Rules For Night Shifts

night shift rights

Night shifts are a common feature in today’s economy. Understanding your workers’ rights and your responsibilities as an employer can help ensure your workforce stays safe and that you don’t fall foul of the employment laws on night working and working unsociable hours. The following guide for employers sets out the employment law on night […]

Compassionate Leave for Miscarriage

phased retirement

For employees who have suffered a miscarriage, time off work and the support they receive from their employer can be an important part of their recovery. Conversely, a lack of workplace support can potentially reduce productivity, lower standards of work, increase absenteeism, and sometimes result in resignation. It can also be detrimental to organisational culture […]

Different Employment Contract Types

5 point uk immigration plan

An employment contract is an agreement outlining the conditions of an individual’s working relationship and arrangements, including rights, responsibilities, working hours, salary, any benefits, and holiday entitlement. It should preferably be in a written format and signed by both the employer and employee to act as a binding agreement and setting out the legal obligations […]

Long COVID Sickness Absence Guide

For a growing number of people, coronavirus continues to cause a range of symptoms that last for several weeks or even months post-infection, leading to a diagnosis of long COVID. The symptoms can be so debilitating that it impacts their ability to work, resulting in long term sickness absence. The following guide for employers provides […]

UK Legal Working Temperatures

Ensuring the health and safety of your staff forms an important part of your duties as an employer, including taking steps to ensure a workplace that is neither too hot nor too cold. In this guide, we examine the rules on minimum and maximum workplace temperatures, providing employers with practical advice on the provision of […]

Do Employees Have The Right To Disconnect?

The right to disconnect has become a much-debated employment issue in recent years. With remote working a pervasive practice since the pandemic, boundaries have increasingly blurred between work and home life for more workers than ever, resulting in growing cases of stress and burnout. This has raised questions over whether workers should be given a […]

Can Employers Make COVID Vaccinations Mandatory?

Is a ‘no jab, no job’ policy lawful? The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted employers across the UK to reassess their health and safety practices to ensure their workplaces are clean and safe for their workforce, customers and visitors. This has resulted in strict hygiene measures being introduced to control the spread of coronavirus within the […]

Preparing for the End of Furlough

The CJRS, or furlough scheme, is now scheduled to run until 30th September 2021. The scheme was previously due to end in October 2020 and then April 2021, but has been extended in light of the continued challenges of the pandemic and the mandatory closure of businesses in many sectors of the economy, including leisure, […]

Can An Employee Refuse Training?

Encouraging employees to progress with their personal development and within your business can help to unlock productivity and boost performance, especially if an individual is willing to undertake additional training relevant to their job role. Training can also form a crucial part of a particular role, although not all employees will be willing to undertake […]