Education Rights for Migrants in UK

education for migrants


Education plays an important role in the successful integration and future opportunities for foreign nationals in the UK, equipping individuals with knowledge and skills, while also facilitating social inclusion and cultural understanding.

For families relocating to the UK, understanding their education rights and how the system works is essential for ensuring their children can continue their education seamlessly.

In this guide, we focus on two key areas of education for foreign nationals: enrolling children in state schools and accessing higher education.

For children aged 5 to 16, enrolling in state schools is a priority, ensuring they receive compulsory education that lays the foundation for their future, while understanding the rights and opportunities for higher education is vital for older students and adults seeking to further their education and improve their career prospects.


Section A: Enrolling Children in State Schools


In the United Kingdom, the right to education is recognised as a fundamental principle, ensuring that all children and young people, regardless of their background, have access to quality education.

As such, the UK education system is designed to be inclusive, offering support services to help migrant children adapt to a new educational environment, including language support and cultural integration programmes.

Foreign nationals have the right to enrol their children in UK state schools, provided they meet certain residency and visa requirements. This right ensures that children aged 5 to 16 can attend school without discrimination based on their immigration status.


1. Eligibility Requirements


The UK education system mandates that all children aged 5 to 16 must receive full-time education. Migrants and visa holders are generally eligible to enrol their children in state schools if they meet residency and immigration status criteria.

Typically, children are eligible if their parents have legal residence in the UK, which can be established through various visa categories such as work visas, student visas, family visas, or asylum seeker status. However, the specific eligibility can vary based on the type of visa and the conditions attached to it.

Temporary visitors or those on short-term visas may face restrictions or may not be eligible for state school enrollment.

Additionally, the school placement is often determined by the local education authority (LEA) based on the family’s residential address and the availability of school places in the area.


2. Supporting Documentation and Proof of Residence


To enrol a child in a state school, parents or guardians must provide specific documentation to prove their eligibility and residence. This typically includes:


1. Proof of Identity and Immigration Status: Valid passports and visas or residence permits for both the child and the parents or guardians. This demonstrates that the family has the right to reside in the UK.

2. Proof of Residence: Documents such as a recent utility bill, tenancy agreement, or council tax bill to verify the family’s address. This ensures that the child is being enrolled in a school within the appropriate catchment area.

3. Previous School Records: If the child has attended school previously, providing records or reports from the previous school can help with placement in the appropriate year group and support the transition.

4. Birth Certificate: The child’s birth certificate is often required to confirm the child’s age and identity.

5. Application Form: A completed school application form provided by the local education authority or the school itself. This form collects essential information about the child and the family to facilitate the enrollment process.


3. Application Process


Applying for a place in a state school for children of migrants and visa holders involves several steps, from understanding the application process to meeting key deadlines and selecting the right school.

The application process typically begins with contacting the local education authority (LEA) in the area where the family resides. The LEA is responsible for managing school admissions and can provide the necessary application forms and information about available schools.

First, parents need to complete the school application form, which collects essential information about the child, including their name, date of birth, and previous educational history. This form can often be found on the LEA’s website or obtained directly from the LEA offices.

After completing the application form, it must be submitted along with the required documentation. These documents usually include proof of residence, such as a utility bill or tenancy agreement, and proof of the child’s identity and immigration status, such as a passport and visa. Some LEAs may also require a copy of the child’s birth certificate and previous school records.

Once the application and documents are submitted, the LEA will review them and allocate a school place based on the family’s residential address and the availability of places in local schools. Parents will then receive a formal offer of a school place, which they must accept within a specified period to secure the spot for their child.


4. Key Deadlines and How to Choose the Right Schools


For children starting primary or secondary school for the first time, applications usually need to be submitted several months in advance. For primary school admissions, the deadline is often in mid-January for the school year starting in September. For secondary schools, the deadline is typically in late October of the previous year. Missing these deadlines can result in fewer available school options and a potentially longer wait for a school place. You should check the deadlines for the relevant education authority.

Mid-year applications may be accepted, but there is generally no guarantee that these can be facilitated if the requested schools do not have available spaces.

Choosing the right school involves researching and considering several factors. Parents should start by looking at the Ofsted reports for schools in their area, which provide detailed assessments of a school’s performance, quality of teaching, and student outcomes. Visiting schools during open days or arranging private tours can also give parents a better sense of the school’s environment and facilities.

Another critical factor is the school’s location. Ideally, the school should be within a reasonable distance from the family’s home to make daily commuting manageable. Proximity to the school can also influence the likelihood of being offered a place, as many LEAs allocate places based on catchment areas.

Parents should also consider the school’s curriculum and extracurricular offerings to ensure they align with their child’s interests and needs. Speaking with other parents and reading reviews can provide additional insights into the school’s community and overall suitability.


5. Support Services and Integration


State schools in the UK offer various support services and integration programmes to help migrant children adjust to their new educational environment. These services are designed to address both academic and social needs, ensuring that migrant children can thrive in their new settings.


a. Available Support Services for Migrant Children in State Schools

State schools provide a range of support services to assist migrant children in adapting to the UK education system. These services often include dedicated staff such as school counsellors, learning support assistants, and specialised teachers who work closely with migrant students to address their unique needs.

One of the primary support services is the provision of English as an Additional Language (EAL) support. EAL programmes are designed to help children who are not native English speakers develop their language skills, enabling them to participate fully in the classroom and improve their academic performance. EAL support may include one-on-one tutoring, small group sessions, and in-class assistance.

Schools also offer pastoral care services to support the emotional and social well-being of migrant children. This can involve counselling sessions, peer mentoring programmes, and extracurricular activities that help children build friendships and integrate into the school community. Additionally, schools often have designated safeguarding leads to ensure that the welfare of migrant children is closely monitored and any concerns are promptly addressed.


b. Language Support

Language support is a critical component of the assistance provided to migrant children in state schools. EAL programmes are specifically tailored to help children improve their English language proficiency. These programmes are typically staffed by trained EAL teachers who use a variety of teaching methods to address the diverse needs of students.

The language support services include initial assessments to determine the child’s current level of English proficiency. Based on this assessment, an individualised learning plan is developed to target specific areas for improvement. EAL support may involve intensive English language lessons focusing on vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking skills.

In addition to formal language lessons, many schools incorporate language support into the broader curriculum. Teachers across all subjects are often trained to use strategies that support EAL students, such as using visual aids, simplifying instructions, and providing additional language resources.


c. Cultural Integration Programmes

Cultural integration programmes are designed to help migrant children feel welcome and included in their new school environment. These programmes aim to celebrate diversity, promote understanding, and foster a sense of belonging among all students.

One common approach to cultural integration is the organisation of multicultural events and celebrations. These events allow students to share their cultural heritage through activities such as international food fairs, cultural performances, and themed assemblies. Such events not only enrich the school community but also provide migrant children with an opportunity to showcase their traditions and feel proud of their background.

Schools may also offer orientation programmes for new students and their families. These programmes provide essential information about the school’s routines, expectations, and available resources. Orientation sessions often include tours of the school, introductions to key staff members, and workshops on navigating the UK education system.

Peer mentoring programmes are another effective tool for cultural integration. In these programmes, established students are paired with new migrant students to help them adjust to school life. Peer mentors provide guidance, support, and friendship, making the transition to a new school environment smoother.

Schools also often collaborate with local community organisations that specialise in supporting migrant families. These partnerships can provide additional resources and support, such as language classes for parents, legal advice, and community events that promote social cohesion.


Section B: Accessing Higher Education


Accessing higher education in the UK as a migrant or visa holder involves understanding the eligibility criteria, the differences in tuition fees, and the available funding options.

Higher education rights for migrants and visa holders vary depending on the type of visa they hold. Some may be eligible for home student status, which includes lower tuition fees and access to student loans and grants, while others may need to pay international student fees. Understanding these distinctions is essential for making informed decisions about higher education options. Migrants and visa holders should also be aware of scholarships and financial aid opportunities specifically available to them, which can significantly alleviate the financial burden of pursuing higher education.


1. Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for higher education in the UK depends primarily on the type of visa held and the residency status of the individual. The Student visa is specifically designed for individuals wishing to study full-time in the UK. These visas are typically granted based on acceptance by a recognised UK educational institution and the ability to meet financial requirements.

Other visa categories that permit higher education studies include the Child Student visa and family visas, for those who are dependants of UK citizens or residents, and various work visas, which may allow the holder to study part-time. Additionally, refugees and asylum seekers may also be eligible to access higher education, often under specific conditions that consider their unique circumstances.

Residency status plays a crucial role in determining eligibility and the associated costs. Those classified as “home” students usually enjoy lower tuition fees compared to “international” students. Generally, to be considered a home student, an individual must have lived in the UK, the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland for at least three years before the start of their course. Additionally, they must have settled status, pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or indefinite leave to remain. However, the exact requirements can vary, so it’s essential to check the specific criteria set by the institution and the UK government.


2. Difference in Fees and Funding Options

One of the most significant differences between home and international students is the cost of tuition. Home students typically pay lower tuition fees, which are often capped by the government. For example, undergraduate tuition fees for home students at public universities in England are currently capped at £9,250 per year. In contrast, international students usually face higher fees, which can range from £10,000 to over £38,000 per year, depending on the course and institution.

Funding options also vary considerably between home and international students. Home students have access to a range of financial support, including student loans from the UK government to cover tuition fees and living expenses. These loans are repayable only after the student graduates and earns above a certain income threshold. Additionally, home students may be eligible for grants, scholarships, and bursaries offered by universities and other organisations, which do not require repayment.

International students, on the other hand, often have limited access to UK government loans and must rely on other sources of funding. Many UK universities offer scholarships specifically for international students, which can significantly reduce the cost of tuition. These scholarships are typically awarded based on academic merit, extracurricular achievements, or financial need. International students can also explore funding opportunities through their home country’s government or international organisations.

Some universities offer special financial support programmes for refugees and asylum seekers, recognising the unique challenges they face. These programmes may include tuition fee waivers, scholarships, and additional support services to help them integrate into the academic environment.


3. Application Process

Applying to universities and colleges in the UK involves several steps, from researching institutions and programmes to submitting applications through standardised portals.

The application process begins with thorough research to identify suitable universities and programmes. Prospective students should consider factors such as course content, university reputation, location, and available support services. University websites, prospectuses, and open days provide valuable information to aid in this decision-making process.
Once prospective students have identified their preferred institutions and programmes, the next step is to prepare and submit their applications. For undergraduate courses, the primary application portal is the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). UCAS streamlines the application process by allowing students to apply to multiple universities and courses through a single platform.

To apply via UCAS, students must create an online account and complete the application form. This form requires detailed personal information, educational history, and a list of chosen courses and universities. Applicants can select up to five choices (or four if applying for medicine, dentistry, or veterinary science courses).

A crucial part of the UCAS application is the personal statement, where applicants must articulate their motivations for choosing their course and university, highlight relevant experiences and achievements, and demonstrate their suitability for the programme. The personal statement is a key component of the application, as it allows students to showcase their unique qualities and stand out to admissions tutors.

Additionally, students need to provide academic references, usually from teachers or tutors who can vouch for their academic abilities and potential. These references play a significant role in the application assessment process.

International students must also meet specific entry requirements, which often include proof of English language proficiency. Tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent qualifications are commonly accepted. Applicants should ensure they meet the minimum score requirements set by their chosen institutions.

After completing the UCAS form, students must pay an application fee and submit their application by the relevant deadline. The main UCAS deadline for most courses is January 15th for entry in the following academic year, but some courses and universities may have earlier deadlines, particularly for medicine, dentistry, and veterinary science, which typically have a deadline in mid-October.

For postgraduate courses, the application process varies as it is usually handled directly by the universities rather than through UCAS. Prospective postgraduate students should check the specific application requirements and deadlines for each university and programme. The process generally involves completing an online application form, submitting a personal statement, providing academic references, and meeting any additional requirements such as interviews or portfolio submissions.


4. Importance of UCAS and Other Application Portals

UCAS is an essential tool for applying to undergraduate courses in the UK. It provides a centralised and standardised application process, making it easier for students to manage their applications and for universities to assess them consistently. The UCAS system also offers valuable resources and support, including application guidelines, advice on writing personal statements, and information on financial aid.
Using UCAS ensures that all applications are submitted in a structured manner, with clear deadlines and requirements. This reduces the likelihood of errors and omissions that could negatively impact an applicant’s chances of admission. UCAS also facilitates communication between students and universities, allowing applicants to track the status of their applications and receive offers through the portal.

For postgraduate applications, many universities have their own dedicated online portals, which streamline the application process and provide tailored support for prospective students. These portals allow applicants to upload required documents, track their application status, and communicate directly with admissions offices.


5. Financial Aid and Scholarships

Migrants and visa holders can access a variety of financial aid options depending on their residency status and the type of visa they hold. For those classified as “home” students, typically individuals with settled status, pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or indefinite leave to remain, there are several financial support options available.
Home students may be eligible for government-funded student loans, which cover tuition fees and, in some cases, living costs. These loans are provided by the Student Loans Company (SLC) and are repayable only after the student graduates and earns above a certain income threshold. The two main types of loans available are:


a. Tuition Fee Loan: This loan covers the cost of tuition fees, which are paid directly to the university. It is available to full-time and part-time students.

b. Maintenance Loan: This loan helps with living costs such as accommodation, food, and travel. The amount awarded depends on household income, where the student lives, and the length of the course.


Additionally, home students may qualify for grants and bursaries offered by universities and other organisations. These funds are typically non-repayable and are awarded based on financial need, academic merit, or specific personal circumstances.

For international students, financial aid options are more limited compared to home students. They are generally not eligible for UK government-funded loans but can access other forms of financial support.

Numerous scholarships are available specifically for international students to help cover the cost of tuition and living expenses. These scholarships are often awarded based on academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, or financial need. Some notable scholarships include:


a. Chevening Scholarships: Funded by the UK government, Chevening Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from around the world to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any UK university. The scholarship covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, travel costs, and other allowances.

b. Commonwealth Scholarships: These scholarships are available to students from Commonwealth countries to study in the UK. They are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and cover tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and other allowances.

c. Gates Cambridge Scholarships: Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, these scholarships are awarded to exceptional applicants from outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship covers the full cost of study, including tuition fees, maintenance allowance, travel costs, and discretionary funding.

d. Rhodes Scholarships: One of the oldest and most prestigious scholarships, the Rhodes Scholarship is awarded to outstanding students from various countries to study at the University of Oxford. It covers tuition fees, a living stipend, travel expenses, and other allowances.

e. British Council Scholarships: The British Council offers several scholarship programmes for international students, including the GREAT Scholarships and Women in STEM Scholarships. These programmes aim to support students from specific countries and regions in pursuing higher education in the UK.

f. University-Specific Scholarships: Many UK universities offer their own scholarships for international students. These scholarships vary widely in terms of eligibility criteria, award amounts, and application processes. Some notable examples include the University of Oxford’s Clarendon Fund, the University of Edinburgh’s Global Scholarships, and the University of Westminster’s International Scholarships.

g. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs): Funded by the European Union, EMJMDs are prestigious, integrated, international study programmes. Scholarships cover the participation costs, travel expenses, installation costs, and subsistence allowance for the duration of the study programme.


6. Rights and Responsibilities

Student visa holders are allowed to work while studying, but there are specific restrictions. During term time, they can work up to 20 hours per week if they are studying at degree level or above at a higher education institution. For those studying below degree level, the limit is 10 hours per week. These limits apply to paid and unpaid work, including internships and voluntary work.

During official vacation periods and after completing their course (but before their visa expires), students can work full-time. However, they cannot fill a permanent full-time vacancy or work as a professional sportsperson or entertainer. Additionally, self-employment and business activities are generally not permitted.

For students on a Short-term Study visa, work is not allowed under any circumstances.

Maintaining visa compliance is essential for international students to legally stay and study in the UK. One of the primary responsibilities is adhering to the conditions of their visa, which includes the following:


a. Attendance and Progress: Students must attend all their scheduled classes, lectures, and seminars. Poor attendance or failure to make satisfactory academic progress can lead to visa issues. Institutions are required to report students who do not comply with attendance and progress requirements to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

b. Reporting Changes: Students must inform their university and UKVI of any significant changes in their circumstances, such as a change of address, contact details, or academic course. This ensures that their records are up to date and that they remain in compliance with visa conditions.

c. Financial Support: Students must ensure they have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of their stay. If their financial situation changes, they need to inform their institution and possibly seek advice on managing their finances.

d. Visa Expiry and Extensions: It is the student’s responsibility to monitor the expiration date of their visa and apply for an extension if needed. Extensions are typically required if a student needs more time to complete their course or intends to pursue further studies. Applications for visa extensions should be made well in advance to avoid overstaying, which can have serious consequences.

e. Work Restrictions: As mentioned, students must adhere to the work restrictions outlined in their visa. This includes not exceeding the permitted number of working hours and avoiding restricted job roles. Breaching work conditions can lead to visa cancellation and deportation.

f. Health Insurance: Students must pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) as part of their visa application to access the National Health Service (NHS). They should also ensure they have appropriate health insurance coverage for any additional medical needs.

g. Course Completion: Upon completing their course, students must take steps to either leave the UK before their visa expires, apply for a new visa if they plan to stay for further studies or work, or switch to a different visa category if eligible. The Graduate Route visa, for example, allows international students to stay in the UK for up to two years (or three years for doctoral graduates) after completing their studies to work or look for work.


Section C: Summary


The UK’s inclusive and supportive educational environment offers vast opportunities for growth, learning, and integration, helping migrants build a successful future for themselves and their families.

While the UK education system offers robust support and quality education across all levels, understanding the requirements and processes is essential for foreign nationals coming to the UK.

For migrant parents, enrolling children in compulsory state education involves determining eligibility based on immigration status and residence. The UK provides free state education to all children, regardless of immigration status, ensuring that migrant children can integrate and thrive in the UK education system. Parents should connect with local authorities to understand the school enrollment process, required documentation, and available support services to aid their children’s educational journey.

International students looking to pursue higher education in the UK face a different set of challenges and opportunities. Researching suitable universities and courses, understanding visa requirements, and securing financial aid are crucial steps. The UK offers a wide range of scholarships and funding options, and understanding these can significantly alleviate financial concerns. Moreover, improving English language proficiency through recognised tests like IELTS is often necessary for university admissions.

Both migrant parents and international students should make use of authoritative resources such as, the British Council, and UCAS to stay informed and for comprehensive guidance.


Section D: FAQ Section


What are the eligibility criteria for enrolling children in state schools in the UK?
Children of migrants and visa holders are eligible to enrol in state schools if they have the right to reside in the UK. This typically includes those with a valid visa or residency status. Proof of residence and relevant documentation, such as a child’s birth certificate and visa details, will be required during the application process.


What documents are needed to enrol my child in a state school?
To enrol your child in a state school, you will need to provide proof of residence (such as a utility bill or rental agreement), the child’s birth certificate, passport, and visa details. Additionally, some schools may request previous school records and immunisation records.


How do I apply for a place in a state school for my child?
Applications for state school places can be made through the local education authority (LEA). You need to complete the application form provided by the LEA, which is usually available online. Ensure that you submit the application by the relevant deadlines and provide all required documentation.


What support services are available for migrant children in state schools?
State schools offer various support services for migrant children, including language support for those who are not fluent in English and cultural integration programmes to help them adjust to the new environment. Schools may also provide additional tutoring and mentoring programmes to support academic progress.


Who is eligible for higher education in the UK?
Eligibility for higher education depends on the type of visa and residency status. Generally, those with a student visa, settled status, pre-settled status, or indefinite leave to remain can apply for higher education courses. International students may face different fees and funding options compared to home students.


How do I apply to universities and colleges in the UK?
For undergraduate courses, applications are typically made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). You will need to complete an online application form, submit a personal statement, and provide academic references. For postgraduate courses, applications are usually made directly through the university’s online portal.


What financial aid options are available for international students?
International students can apply for various scholarships and financial aid options.


What are the work rights for students on visas?
Those on a student visa can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during vacation periods if they are studying at degree level or above. Those on a Short-term Study visa are not allowed to work. It is important to adhere to these restrictions to avoid any visa compliance issues.


What are the responsibilities regarding visa compliance for students?
Students must attend all scheduled classes, maintain satisfactory academic progress, and report any changes in circumstances to their university and UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). They must also ensure they have sufficient funds to cover their stay and apply for visa extensions if needed before their current visa expires.


Where can I find additional resources and support?
Additional resources and support can be found on official government websites such as, UK Visas and Immigration, and the Department for Education. Support organisations like the Refugee Council, UKCISA, and the British Council also provide valuable information and assistance for migrants and visa holders. Contact your local education authority for specific guidance on school admissions and local support services.


Section E: Glossary


UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration): A division of the Home Office responsible for the United Kingdom’s visa system and immigration control. It handles visa applications, residency permits, and enforcement of immigration laws.

LEA (Local Education Authority): A local government body responsible for education within its jurisdiction, including school admissions, special educational needs, and educational support services.

Student Visa: A visa category for international students who wish to study in the UK. This visa allows students to stay in the UK for the duration of their course and includes specific work restrictions.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service): The centralised application service for undergraduate courses in the UK. UCAS processes applications to higher education institutions and provides resources for students.

Home Student: A classification for students who meet certain residency criteria, allowing them to pay tuition fees at the lower “home” rate rather than the higher “international” rate.

International Student: A classification for students who do not meet the residency criteria for home status, are typically required to pay higher tuition fees and may have limited access to certain financial aid options.

Chevening Scholarships: Prestigious scholarships funded by the UK government for international students to pursue postgraduate studies in the UK. They cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs.

Commonwealth Scholarships: Scholarships funded by the UK government for students from Commonwealth countries to study in the UK. They cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs.

Settled Status: An immigration status granted to EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens and their families who have lived in the UK for a continuous five-year period, allowing them to remain in the UK indefinitely.

Pre-settled Status: An immigration status granted to EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens and their families who have not yet lived in the UK for five years but who arrived before the end of the Brexit transition period. It allows them to stay in the UK for a further five years, after which they can apply for settled status.

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR): A form of permanent residency granted to non-UK nationals, allowing them to live and work in the UK without any time limit on their stay.

Maintenance Loan: A loan provided to eligible students to help cover living costs such as accommodation, food, and travel while studying. The amount awarded depends on household income and other factors.

Tuition Fee Loan: A loan provided to eligible students to cover the cost of tuition fees. The loan is paid directly to the educational institution and is repayable after graduation.

EAL (English as an Additional Language): Support services and educational programmes designed to help students who are non-native English speakers improve their English language skills.

Student Loans Company (SLC): A non-profit government-owned organisation that provides loans and grants to students in the UK to help cover tuition fees and living costs.

Immigration Healthcare Surcharge (IHS): A fee paid by foreign nationals applying for a visa to stay in the UK for more than six months, providing access to the National Health Service (NHS) during their stay.

Graduate Route Visa: A visa allowing international students who have completed a degree in the UK to stay and work, or look for work, for up to two years (or three years for doctoral graduates) after graduation.

Refugee Council: A UK charity providing support and advice to refugees and asylum seekers, including assistance with education and integration.

UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs): An organisation that provides advice and information to international students in the UK on issues such as visas, immigration, and education rights.


Section F: Additional Resources


UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)
Provides detailed guidance on student visa applications and immigration rules for international students Student Visas
The official government page with comprehensive information on the types of student visas, application processes, and requirements.


UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
The official service for applying to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the UK. It offers guidance on choosing courses, the application process, and deadlines.


British Council Scholarships
Provides information on scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities for international students.


Scholarships for International Students
A comprehensive guide to scholarships available to international students in the UK.


IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
The official site for IELTS, which is often required for university admissions in the UK. It provides information on test dates, preparation materials, and registration.


British Council Learn English
Offers resources to improve English language skills, including courses, practice materials, and information on English language tests.


Provides detailed information on postgraduate courses, universities, and career prospects in the UK.


The Complete University Guide
Offers rankings, reviews, and detailed profiles of UK universities and courses.


UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs)
Provides advice and information on all aspects of studying in the UK, including immigration, fees, and student support.


NUS (National Union of Students)
Offers support and advice for students in the UK, including information on rights, discounts, and student welfare.



Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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