Reasonable Adjustments for Mental Health

reasonable adjustments for mental health

By understanding how to deal with requests for reasonable adjustments for mental health, you can help create a supportive working environment while ensuring compliance with your legal obligations as an employer. In this guide, we explain what the law says about reasonable adjustments for mental health, together with practical advice for employers to nuture a […]

How Do Staggered Hours Work?

staggered hours

Staggered hours are a type of flexible working. Given the pervasive expectation of flexible working among employees, and with the law on flexible working requests set to make such requests more common, offering appropriate flexible working arrangements has become critical to retain and attract talent. The following guide for employers looks at staggered hours in […]

Managing the Return to Work

return to work

Returning to work after an extended period of leave, such as long-term sick leave or maternity leave, can be a daunting prospect for employees. Having the full support of their employer can help to ease an employee’s concerns and address any practicalities, making this transitional period back into the workplace more likely to result in […]

How to Conduct a Return to Work Interview

return to work interview

Conducting a return to work interview is an essential part of an organisation’s absence management programme. Having a focused discussion with a returning employee is shown to help reduce unnecessary sickness absence and helps the returning employee transition back into the workplace environment with greater ease and with the necessary support from their employer. Return […]

Do Employers Have to Give a Job Reference?

does an employer have to give a reference

There are various do’s and don’ts when it comes to giving a job reference for a former or exiting employee, where it is important for employers to understand their obligations, even after the employment relationship has come to an end. The following practical guide looks at the provision of work references, together with a sample […]

DBS Check Renewal Employer Guide

DBS renewal

Having recruited a new member of staff, and undertaken the relevant DBS checks before taking them on, many employers will want to renew this check at regular intervals. In this way, you can ensure that any existing employee continues to meet the required standards, and hasn’t for example, been convicted a criminal record in the […]

Split Shifts: Guide for Employers

sponsor licence how long

Adopting split shifts in the workplace can provide a business with many benefits, not least in helping to meet its daily operational needs and optimising productivity, provided the rules relating to minimum breaks and maximum working hours are being met. In this guide for employers, we set out how split shifts work in practice and […]

Shift Patterns At Work

At one time, shift-working was mainly a feature of essential services which needed to run around the clock, such as health, transport and communications. But the demands of continuous production and increasing customer expectations of unlimited access to services means that workers in a growing number of sectors and occupations are working shifts. Added to […]

Different Employment Contract Types

5 point uk immigration plan

An employment contract is an agreement outlining the conditions of an individual’s working relationship and arrangements, including rights, responsibilities, working hours, salary, any benefits, and holiday entitlement. It should preferably be in a written format and signed by both the employer and employee to act as a binding agreement and setting out the legal obligations […]

Grievance Policy: What to Include

Employment Rights Act 1996: Essential Summary

Dealing with complaints from your workforce is an inevitable part of being an employer or manager. It’s critical to understand how to deal with issues properly, from small concerns to serious breaches, or you risk tribunal claims, workplace disruption and conflict, and damage to your employer brand. Likewise, employees should have confidence that any work-related complaints […]