Pre Employment Screening Checks (HR Guide)

pre employment screening checks

Pre employment screening checks are a critical part of a business’s recruitment and onboarding process. The following guide looks at the various different types of checks that should be conducted and how to carry these out, as well as the legal, practical and financial consequences of failing to do so.   What are the pre […]

Recruitment Law: Essentials for Employers

recruitment law

In the UK, there are several pieces of legislation which govern the employment lifecycle, including the recruitment and selection process. To minimise the risk of falling foul of the law, employers, and those responsible for recruiting on the employer’s behalf, must fully understand the legal implications when hiring someone new. In this guide, we set […]

Avoid Interviewer Bias for Better Recruitment

interviewer bias

Among the challenges of hiring someone new is ensuring that your recruitment process is allowing you to find the best candidate, and not hindering your selection or decision making. Interviewer bias is one such potential area of recruitment risk that should be tackled so as to minimise the risk of impacting the selection process. The […]

Overseas Criminal Record Checks

overseas criminal record check

Criminal record checks are mandatory for certain types of roles in the UK. Some employers may also opt to use criminal record checks for overseas applicants or those who have spent time abroad so as to mitigate recruitment risks and ensure a safe working environment. The following guide for UK employers looks at the process […]

Employee’s Failure to Disclose Criminal Conviction

failure to disclose criminal conviction

It’s understandable that employers will want to establish whether a prospective employee is trustworthy and of good character before taking them on. Even where criminal record checks are not a mandatory job role requirement, employers may still want to make any offer of employment conditional upon an assessment of a candidates’ criminal history. They may […]

Person Specification: Key Considerations for Employers

person specification

Each stage of your recruitment process should be designed to help you find the ideal candidate for the role and your organisation. One of the first things an employer should do when recruiting is to write a person specification. A person specification is a written description of the ideal candidate for the role. It should […]

DBS Check Guide: Documents, Costs & Processing Times

DBS check documents

As an employer, it is important to understand what level of DBS check you can request by law when recruiting someone as part of your pre-employment screening procedures. You should also know the cost of a DBS check, what DBS check documents need to be provided by a prospective employee, how to check documents during […]

Do You Have To Advertise A Job?

flexible working

Advertising a job vacancy is a standard recruitment practice for employers looking for someone to fill a position in their business. This could be where a vacancy has arisen following the departure of an existing employee or because a new role has been created. However, the employer may already have a candidate in mind for […]

Social Media Screening in Recruitment

Social media has changed how people and businesses interact, presenting both opportunities and risk. In the context of recruitment, employers routinely use social media platforms to advertise vacancies and to promote their employer brand. It has also become increasingly common practice for employers to use social media screening to find out more about job candidates. In […]

What to Include in an Offer of Employment

An employment offer letter is used when an employer would like to offer a potential employee a position with their organisation. Having been through what is often likely to be a lengthy recruitment process, sifting through applications and shortlisting applicants for interview, it can feel like a huge relief to select the successful candidate. However, […]