Protected Conversations: Employers’ Guide

protected conversations

When dealing with difficult, sensitive or complex workplace disputes, protected conversations can provide valuable opportunities to resolve issues between an employer and employee. The following practical guide for employers looks at what a protected conversation is and how they can be most effectively used to help reach an agreement.   What is a protected conversation? […]

ET3 Form: Respond to a Tribunal Claim


Defending a claim before an employment tribunal can be a daunting and challenging prospect for employers. To maximise the prospects of a successful defence against a tribunal claim, you will need to prepare thoroughly and complete all the necessary paperwork on time. The following guide for employers sets out the tribunal claims process and how […]

Employee Breach of Contract: Advice for Employers

When an employer and employee enter into a contract of employment, the onus is often assumed to be only on the employer to meet various contractual and statutory obligations — but a contract is two-way. It’s important for both parties to understand the reciprocal nature of the employment contract, including their respective rights and remedies […]

Employer Vicarious Liability Rules

By law, employers can be held vicariously liable for certain acts of their employees. This means even where the employer has itself technically done no wrong, it can still be found responsible for employees’ actions and made to financially compensate the victim of the wrongdoing. The rationale behind the employer vicarious liability rules is to […]

Workplace Investigation Process Steps

workplace investigation process

Workplace investigations play an important role in resolving disputes at work. If conducted properly, investigations can help to protect the interests of the organisation by identifying wrongdoings and to support the employer with fair, objective and informed decision-making. Handled poorly, however, workplace investigations have the potential to create legal risk and serious reputational harm. While […]

Grievance at Work Guide for Employers

grievance at work

There are various ways that a grievance at work can be dealt with, depending on the nature and severity of the issues being raised. In some cases, a relatively minor matter may be dealt with informally but, if not effectively resolved, this may need to be dealt with by way of a formal grievance procedure. […]

Employment Tribunal Rules & Procedures

sponsor licence downgrade

If a workplace dispute cannot be resolved on mutually agreeable terms with an existing or former employee, you may find yourself defending a claim in the employment tribunal. This could be, for example, a claim for unlawful deduction of wages, unfair dismissal or unlawful discrimination. As an employer, by understanding the employment tribunal rules and […]

Conducting Remote Disciplinary & Grievance Hearings

Conducting Remote Disciplinary & Grievance Hearings

With remote working now standard practice across the economy, employers have had to adapt ways of working to accommodate the new normal. This raises specific workforce management issues, such as if and how disciplinary and grievance hearings can be conducted remotely.   The law on HR hearings For employers, it is a matter of ensuring […]

Working Under Protest (HR Guide)

A ‘working under protest’ scenario will often arise where an employee has lodged a formal grievance within the workplace following a contractual change to their pay or other terms, whilst preserving their right to take legal action against you. When an employee is working under protest, it is imperative as an employer that you seek […]

Dealing with a Malicious Grievance

Being on the receiving end of a complaint at work can be an extremely stressful and worrying time, especially where the grievance raised is vexatious, malicious and deliberately intended to make life difficult for you. Below we look at how to deal with a malicious grievance at work, either as an employer or senior employee, […]