Appendix D Sponsor Licence Records

appendix d sponsor licence documents

One of the more common areas of immigration compliance risk among sponsor licence holders relates to record-keeping. Sponsor licence holders must retain the relevant documents as listed in Appendix D. Failure to comply with your sponsor duties, such as record-keeping, can lead to enforcement action, such as your sponsor licence being downgraded, suspended or even […]

Sponsor Management System: User Guide

soc codes

As a licensed sponsor you are subject to a number of strict duties to ensure compliance with the UK Immigration Rules and to prevent illegal working. These duties include monitoring and reporting certain activities about sponsored workers and assigning certificates of sponsorship (CoS) to sponsored visa workers. The Sponsor Management System (SMS) is the Home Office’s […]

Skilled Worker Visa Going Rate

skilled worker visa going rate

One of the eligibility requirements under the Skilled Worker Visa route is that the role being recruited for pays the worker at least the relevant minimum salary threshold. Under the current rules, the minimum threshold for most skilled workers is £38,700 per year, unless the ‘going rate’ for the particular role is higher. A lower […]

SMS Level 1 User Guide

sms level 1 user

SMS Level 1 Users are responsible for the day-to-day administration of an organisation’s sponsorship licence using the Sponsorship Management System (SMS). Failure to carry out these duties correctly can result in enforcement action against the sponsor licence holder. This makes it critical to ensure all level 1 users understand their responsibilities and are trained to […]

Sponsor Licence Change of Circumstances

sponsor licence change of circumstances

Among the compliance duties that sponsor licence holders have to meet is the requirement to inform the Home Office of certain changes in circumstances relating to sponsored workers and to the organisation itself. Failure to the meet this duty can result in enforcement action, potentially impacting your permission to sponsor overseas workers. The following guide […]

A-Rating Sponsor Licence Guidance

a rating sponsor licence

In this guide, we look at UKVI’s sponsor licence rating system, including what it means for an organisation to have an A-rated sponsor licence. We also look at the consequences of being downgraded to a B-rating and how to reinstate an A-rating.   What is an A-rated sponsor licence? For routes other than UK Expansion […]

Sponsor Licence Duties & Compliance Guide

sponsor licence compliance duties

Sponsor licences permit organisations to access the global talent market and recruit skilled non-UK resident workers – but they come with onerous compliance duties for the employer/sponsor. Fundamentally, the purpose of these duties is to place an onus on employers to play their part in preventing illegal working in the UK. Meeting your duties as […]

Mergers, Acquisitions & Sponsor Licences

Mergers, acquisitions or any type of organisational restructure are inherently complex projects. While resources and attention for the restructuring process are typically focused on finance, taxation and stakeholder communications, one area which is commonly overlooked is immigration compliance. If your organisation is undergoing a change in ownership or a change in structure due to a merger or acquisition, […]

Home Office Warning to Sponsors for Inactive SMS

We’re aware that the Home Office’s Sponsor, Assurance and Investigations Team have contacted some sponsor licence holders by email to warn of inactivity on their Sponsorship Management System. Sponsor licence holders are required to keep their SMS records up to date, or risk enforcement action. This includes ensuring your key personnel details are up to […]