UK Visa Processing Times (Latest from UKVI)

processing times

The length of time it takes for your application to be processed can be an important factor in deciding when to apply and when to make travel arrangements. But UK visa processing times vary considerably, depending on factors such as the type of visa being applied for, the country or Embassy where the application is […]

How to Check your UK Visa Application Status

Flexible Working

If you are awaiting a decision on an application for a UK visa, tracking the progress of your application can be crucial to planning ahead, especially where you are time-pressured for a decision. The following guide looks at how UK visa applicants can check the status of their applications, whether you have applied to extend […]

Section 3C Immigration Act 1971 & 3C Leave

section 3c leave

The following guide for employers of migrant workers, whose leave to enter or remain in the UK is soon due to expire, provides a detailed look at how the ‘section 3C leave’ rules work in favour of applicants, provided they make an in-time application to extend their permission to stay. This can be vital when […]

A Guide to British Citizenship 2024

british citizenship

British citizenship is a legal status granted to individuals who meet specific criteria set by the United Kingdom. It confers a range of rights and responsibilities, including the right to live and work in the UK, access to public services, and the ability to participate in the political system. Unless you are British by descent […]

EU Settlement Scheme 2024 Guidance

eu settlement scheme

As part of the UK’s post-Brexit immigration reforms, the EU Settlement Scheme was introduced to safeguard the lawful status of EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens, along with their family members, to allow them to continue living in the UK. Applying to the scheme ensures these individuals can continue their lives in the UK without any […]

Indefinite Leave to Remain: 2024 Guide

indefinite leave to remain

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is an immigration status within the United Kingdom, offering non-British citizens the opportunity to reside in the country without any time restrictions. With indefinite leave to remain, you attain the right to live, work and study in the UK without restriction on time and activity, and you may also be […]

Home Office Failure to Provide Digital Proof of Section 3C Leave Ruled Unlawful

high court rules lack of section 3c leave digital status

In R (Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London (RAMFEL) & Anor) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, the High Court determined that the Home Office has been acting unlawfully by failing to provide proof of status to thousands of migrants.   The legal challenge was brought by the charity RAMFEL (Refugee […]

Fiance Visa to Spouse Visa UK

fiance visa to spouse visa

Fiancé visas are issued for 6 months, to allow you to get married or enter into a civil partnership while in the UK. If you want to remain in Britain for longer, to live with your new spouse, you will need to apply for a Spouse visa. Under the UK immigration rules, you can make […]

Switching from Pre Settled to Settled Status

The requirement for pre-settled status holders to make a separate application for full settled status in the UK has been removed. Those with pre-settled status will automatically receive two-year extensions on their status every two years, as long as they continue to meet the eligibility criteria, such as residing in the UK, as detailed below. […]

EU Settled Status & Absences from UK

eu settled status

If you have settled or pre settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), it is important to understand how absences from the UK can affect your status and your right to remain in the UK lawfully. As of 31 March 2023, an estimated 5.6 million Europeans and their family members had secured their residence […]