Objective Setting Guide for Managers

objective setting

Setting objectives at work is a key part of motivating and managing your team, as well as helping to optimise their performance. In this practical guide for managers, we look at how to set objectives for employees at work, from the different types of objectives that can be used and how these can be set, […]

How Do Staggered Hours Work?

staggered hours

Staggered hours are a type of flexible working. Given the pervasive expectation of flexible working among employees, and with the law on flexible working requests set to make such requests more common, offering appropriate flexible working arrangements has become critical to retain and attract talent. The following guide for employers looks at staggered hours in […]

Managing the Return to Work

return to work

Returning to work after an extended period of leave, such as long-term sick leave or maternity leave, can be a daunting prospect for employees. Having the full support of their employer can help to ease an employee’s concerns and address any practicalities, making this transitional period back into the workplace more likely to result in […]

How to Conduct a Return to Work Interview

return to work interview

Conducting a return to work interview is an essential part of an organisation’s absence management programme. Having a focused discussion with a returning employee is shown to help reduce unnecessary sickness absence and helps the returning employee transition back into the workplace environment with greater ease and with the necessary support from their employer. Return […]

Phased Retirement Guide for Employers

phased retirement

Phased retirement is an approach taken by some employers that gives employees more flexibility in how they manage the transition from full-time employment to retirement. This could be in the form of fewer working hours or responsibilities, or even a different role. In this guide for employers, we share practical tips on how to implement […]

Do Employers Have to Give a Job Reference?

does an employer have to give a reference

There are various do’s and don’ts when it comes to giving a job reference for a former or exiting employee, where it is important for employers to understand their obligations, even after the employment relationship has come to an end. The following practical guide looks at the provision of work references, together with a sample […]

Different Types of Pay Structures

different types pay structures

There are various different types of pay structures that can be implemented within an organisation, although the most suitable structure will depend on a number of factors including the nature and size of your business, the composition of the workforce, and the ways in which you want to incentivise and reward that workforce to meet […]

Person Specification: Key Considerations for Employers

person specification

Each stage of your recruitment process should be designed to help you find the ideal candidate for the role and your organisation. One of the first things an employer should do when recruiting is to write a person specification. A person specification is a written description of the ideal candidate for the role. It should […]

Workplace Investigation Process Steps

workplace investigation process

Workplace investigations play an important role in resolving disputes at work. If conducted properly, investigations can help to protect the interests of the organisation by identifying wrongdoings and to support the employer with fair, objective and informed decision-making. Handled poorly, however, workplace investigations have the potential to create legal risk and serious reputational harm. While […]

Extending a Probation Period

extend probation period

Probation periods allow employers the opportunity to gauge whether or not they have the right person for a role. In practice, however, the initial probation period may not prove to be long enough for the manager to formally sign off the new employee as passing their probation, perhaps due to performance issues. Extending the probation […]