Leave of Absence (Employers’ Guide)

leave of absence

Leave of absence usually refers to an extended period of time when an employee is not working but they remain employed. There are many reasons why an employee takes time off work – from medical to family or personal reasons – which will impact how long they are away from work and should determine how […]

What Is Positive Discrimination?

positive discrimination

Understanding what is meant by positive discrimination, and how this applies within the workplace, plays an important part in creating a fair and inclusive working environment without unlawfully discriminating against anyone. The following guide examines the concept of positive discrimination in the context of equality and diversity at work, including the difference between positive discrimination […]

Is Working Whilst Signed Off Sick Allowed?

working while signed off sick

Working whilst signed off sick isn’t strictly prohibited by UK law, although an employer is under a statutory duty to ensure the health and wellbeing of its employees. Caution must therefore be exercised by employers if asking or allowing an employee to return to work early. The following guide for employers and HR personnel provides […]

Positive Action in the Workplace

positive action

Employers are under a legal duty not to discriminate against prospective or existing employees, either negatively or positively. However, that is not to say employers cannot take ‘positive action’ to assist certain groups of people that are potentially at a disadvantage or under-represented within their workforce. In this article we examine what amounts to taking […]

How to Deal with Upward Bullying

upward bullying

When we talk about bullying at work, we typically think of an issue between colleagues, or in some cases, bullying by someone more senior in a position of power. However, there are now increasing instances of workers mistreating people in management positions, in what is being referred to as ‘upward bullying’.   The following practical […]

Protected Conversations: Employers’ Guide

protected conversations

When dealing with difficult, sensitive or complex workplace disputes, protected conversations can provide valuable opportunities to resolve issues between an employer and employee. The following practical guide for employers looks at what a protected conversation is and how they can be most effectively used to help reach an agreement.   What is a protected conversation? […]

Employment Case Law Update May 2024

employment case law update

Read on for our monthly digest for employers on upcoming employment law changes and key, recent employment tribunal cases.   Discrimination and Unfair Dismissal Ms N Bodis v Lindfield Christian Care Home Ltd   The claimant, who suffered from anxiety and depression, was accused by her employer of various incidents at the care home where […]

Verbal Warning at Work Procedure

verbal warning

Verbal warnings are one of the potential outcomes of a workplace disciplinary procedure. For employers, it is important to understand how they should be used to avoid falling short of your obligations through a disciplinary procedure. In this guide for employers, managers and supervisors, we explain the process that should be followed when issuing a […]

Can A Vehicle Tracker Be Used In A Disciplinary?

vehicle tracker employer rules

Vehicle tracking can help to boost the efficiency and productivity of a business, especially in monitoring a driver’s location and managing a fleet from virtually anywhere. As well as providing valuable, operational data, employers may also look to rely on vehicle tracking information as part of a disciplinary investigation. Can a vehicle tracker be used […]

Employment Case Law Update April 2024

employment case law update

Read on for our monthly digest for employers on upcoming employment law changes and key, recent employment tribunal cases.   Employment Law Changes April 2024   A range of key changes in UK employment law took effect from April 2024, impacting various aspects such as employment rights, compensation limits, holiday pay, and immigration rules:   […]