Eligibility to Work in the UK (Acceptable Documents)

UK employers have a legal obligation to check the eligibility to work of all individuals they employ. While it can be a challenge for employers to keep up to date with their immigration compliance duties under the prevention of illegal working regulations, failure to comply can result in Home Office enforcement action and in some […]

5 Ways to Challenge a Civil Penalty UK Immigration Fine

civil penalty

It’s a distressing experience for an organisation when, without warning, it receives a civil penalty UK immigration notice from the Home Office. A civil penalty notice informs an organisation it has employed someone who did not or does not have permission to work in the UK, in breach of the prevention of illegal working regime. […]

Illegal Working Civil Penalty Fines Tripling from 2024

civil penalties increase

The Government has announced a threefold increase in the level of civil penalties it can impose on employers that breach their duties under the prevention of illegal working regime. From the start of 2024, civil penalties for illegal working will increase from £15,000 per illegal employee to £45,000. Repeat offences will result in a fine […]

Suitable Alternative Employment: HR Advice

One aspect of the redundancy process that employers can find challenging in practice is the requirement to offer suitable alternative employment. An employer undergoing a redundancy exercise must offer suitable alternative employment to any employees who are at risk of redundancy if such a position is available or becomes available during the redundancy process. If […]