Coaching & Mentoring: Differences Explained

health and care worker visa

Investing in and supporting the personal and professional development of your people is shown to be beneficial to the organisation as a whole. Coaching and mentoring, for example, offer ways to develop and support for your staff, both in the short and long-term, and so ensuring you have the necessary skills to enable the organisation’s […]

Occupational Sick Pay (HR Guide)

Occupational Sick Pay

Managing occupational sick pay can often be complicated. The following guide for employers looks at the rules on occupational sick pay – including entitlement, rates and duration – and how this differs to statutory sick pay. We also look at what happens when sick pay comes to an end, and how both long-term and short-term […]

Company in Administration Employee Rights

Company in Administration Employee Rights

If your company goes into administration you will need to know about the rights of your employees and your liability for any outstanding monies owed to them on termination or transfer of their employment. It is also important that your employees know exactly where they stand with regard to their pay, pension and workplace rights, […]