Permanent Residence in the UK

Permanent residency in the UK is called Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). With ILR status, you have the right to live, work and study here on a permanent basis, free from immigration restrictions or limitations on your length of stay. ILR status and UK residency can be obtained through several routes, such as through sponsored employment or […]

Adoption Leave: Employers’ Guide

Most employers are well aware of the rights and responsibilities around statutory maternity, paternity and parental leave and pay. What is less common, but equally important, is understanding the entitlements of staff who are in the process of adopting a child or who are having a child through surrogacy. In this guide for employers, line […]

Applying for British Citizenship

British citizenship can be acquired automatically, by registration or through the process of naturalisation. If you have lived in the UK for more than five years with settled status, you may be eligible to apply for British citizenship by making a naturalisation application. Naturalisation is a costly process and you will lose your fee if […]