Recruitment Tips for Employers

In the current war for talent, employers have to ensure their recruitment programmes are optimised to help select and attract the best candidates. But recruiting the right candidate for a vacant position can be a long and frustrating process. This process is also fraught with risk, not only in terms of finding the right fit for […]

Employee Stealing from Work?

If you suspect an employee stealing from work or misusing company property without permission, it is likely to come as a shock. Any action you take in response to stealing from work must be fully considered and based on factual evidence to avoid falling foul of legal issues. It is also likely you will have […]

Collective Bargaining & Agreements

The following guide examines the process of collective bargaining from an employer’s perspective, from the different types of collective bargaining and union recognition within the workplace, to how best to approach collective bargaining negotiations with a recognised trade union.   What is collective bargaining? Collective bargaining is the official process by which representatives of trade […]