6 Steps to Future-Proof Your Talent Mobility

How can organisations build and nurture a sustainable and globally-capable workforce for the future? Employers need to look no further than tomorrow’s leaders – the so-called ‘millennials’. Much research has been carried out into millennials in the workplace, from which it has become clear that as a cohort, their professional needs, aspirations and expectations differ vastly from older generations. For example, […]

Tier 2 Visa Extension (How to Apply)

What are the rules on making a Tier 2 visa extension? If you are employed in the UK under the Tier 2 (General) visa, your permission to remain and work in the UK will be time-limited. If you intend to remain in the UK, you will need to apply for further leave to remain before […]

Global Mobility Compliance in a Crisis

Deploying personnel overseas carries substantial risk, across a number of areas. If the worst were to happen, and a crisis or disaster were to affect your international workers, how would your organisation respond? Employers operating globally-mobile workforces must be prepared. The safety and well-being of your personnel are paramount. The speed and impact of your […]

How Immigration Compliance can Support Global Mobility

Once a tactical solution to solving skills shortages, global mobility is now integral to successful organisations’ talent and overall business strategies. And it’s not just larger organisations; mid-size companies are relying on overseas assignments and talent mobility, creating an increasingly fluid and highly competitive global landscape. But with the growth of global mobility comes an […]

Global Mobility for Succession Planning

How global mobility can enrich your succession planning strategy. Finding the right people remains one of the key challenges in business. Competition for best talent is intense. The challenge becomes even more acute for senior level appointments, particularly where the requirements of a role demand international exposure and experience. Identifying and investing in future leaders […]