Switching from Pre Settled to Settled Status

The requirement for pre-settled status holders to make a separate application for full settled status in the UK has been removed. Those with pre-settled status will automatically receive two-year extensions on their status every two years, as long as they continue to meet the eligibility criteria, such as residing in the UK, as detailed below. […]

Sexual Orientation Discrimination: Guide for Employers

Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Sexual orientation is one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. The Act protects lesbian, gay and bisexual people from direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation at work. These rules also apply to anyone who is perceived to be lesbian, gay or bisexual or experiences discrimination because they associate with gay people. These […]

Which Sponsor Licence Should You Apply For?

types of sponsor licence

With a new UK points-based immigration system having been introduced in the wake of Brexit, all UK-based businesses now usually need a sponsor licence to recruit non-UK resident workers who don’t otherwise have the requisite immigration permission to work in the UK. There are different types of sponsor licences available, depending on the type of […]

How to Make an NTL Application

ntl application

You’ll need to make a No Time Limit application if you have an old-style immigration document and want to have your immigration status confirmed on a Biometric Residence Permit. Since 6 April 2022, the Home Office have also waived the application fee, so the process is now free of charge. In this guide, we look […]

Grievance Policy: What to Include

Employment Rights Act 1996: Essential Summary

Dealing with complaints from your workforce is an inevitable part of being an employer or manager. It’s critical to understand how to deal with issues properly, from small concerns to serious breaches, or you risk tribunal claims, workplace disruption and conflict, and damage to your employer brand. Likewise, employees should have confidence that any work-related complaints […]

Disciplinary Policy: What to Include

sponsor licence application

Following fair and lawful disciplinary procedures is vital to ensure disciplinary issues are dealt with properly. If you get this wrong, you may face tribunal claims. Fundamental to any fair and compliant disciplinary procedure is the disciplinary policy. This should act as the formal reference point to ensure employees are aware of the conduct standards they […]

Annual Leave Policy: What to Include

settlement agreement

An annual leave policy is a critical aspect of supporting consistent and compliant management of workplace holiday entitlements. This helps to avoid grumbles or disagreements within teams and ensures workers are receiving their full entitlement to paid time off work. Without any annual leave guidelines or policy, managers and staff are likely to be unclear […]

Employment Rights Act 1996: Essential Summary

Employment Rights Act 1996: Essential Summary

The Employment Rights Act 1996 is a significant piece of legislation. When introduced, it consolidated many existing statutory obligations on employers and statutory rights of employees, from the right to employment particulars on commencing employment to the right not to be unfairly dismissed on termination of employment. In this guide, we summarise the key provisions […]

How to Deal with Last Minute Requests for Leave

Dealing with requests for annual leave is an integral part of managing people at work. This entails ensuring that all workers receive their full entitlement to paid time off each year so that the workforce is rested and motivated, while minimising operational disruption or resourcing issues. In general, the more notice someone gives to take […]

How to Adopt Continuous Feedback

Continuous feedback is increasingly becoming the norm in the workplace, driven largely by the expectations of millennial and Gen Z workers, and as employers realise the benefits in relation to enhanced workforce engagement, development and performance. In this guide, we take a practical look at why and how to adopt continuous feedback.   What is a […]