Making an Employment Tribunal Claim

employment tribunal

Almost all legal cases about employment are dealt with by an employment tribunal. It decides upon employment disputes between employees and their employers surrounding issues such as unfair dismissal, redundancy, and discrimination. But there are also many other types of employment claim they can deal with. If you have an unresolved issue at work and […]

Victimisation at Work

By law, no individual should suffer unfair or unfavourable treatment in the workplace. Victimisation is when someone is subject to a detriment because they have brought, or it is believed they are about to bring, or support, a claim relating to either disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or […]

Employment Discrimination

The Equality Act 2010 provides six different types of discrimination that are prohibited by law: Direct Discrimination: when an individual is treated less favourably than others due to one or more of the protected characteristics. Indirect Discrimination: where an organisational policy, applicable to all, places those with protected characteristics at a disadvantage. Failure to make […]

Demoted at Work: What Are Your Rights?

Demotion is where an employee is reassigned by their employer to a role within the organisation that carries lesser responsibility, status or remuneration than their current role. There are certain circumstances in which employees can be demoted lawfully by their employer, but employees remain protected by many employment rights. The following guide looks at when […]

Employee or Worker? Employment Status Guide

An individual’s legal rights and entitlements at work can differ significantly depending on whether they are classed as an employee or worker. In this guide, we explain the differences between these two types of employment status, including how legal status as either an employee or worker determine employment rights and responsibilities within the workplace.   […]

Breach of Employment Contract by Employer

By understanding the nature of your employment contract, together with its constituent parts, this will help you to understand the basis and extent of your employer’s contractual obligations towards you. Below we look at the different types of terms that make up an employment contract — both express and implied — and what steps employees […]

Accused of Gross Misconduct?

If you are being accused of gross misconduct, you will need to act quickly to understand your options and next steps. We look at some common concerns of employees facing disciplinary action at work.   What is misconduct? Workplace misconduct relates to unacceptable actions and behaviours that justify the employer in taking punitive action against […]

Bullied At Work: Your Rights

Being bullied at work, from constant ‘banter’ to discriminatory behaviour, can leave those on the receiving end feeling emotionally distressed and professionally vulnerable. Often, not knowing your rights or where you stand legally can exacerbate the stress and upset caused by bullying, sometimes to the point where you feel you have no choice but to […]

Can You Make An Equal Pay Claim?

Equal pay law provides a way of ensuring that both men and women receive the same pay and contractual benefits for doing comparable work. The following guide for employees examines the legal basis of equal pay claims, from what these types of claim can include and what you will need to prove, to what you […]

Made Redundant? Your Rights

Being made redundant can be a hugely stressful process. By understanding your employment rights in the context of a redundancy situation, this can help to ease some of your practical and financial concerns, from how much notice you should get and what you should be paid, to whether or not you’re being treated fairly by […]