Working Out Redundancy Pay: Employers’ Guide

redundancy pay

Redundancy pay is a statutory entitlement for eligible employees who are being made redundant by their employer. Redundancy pay is designed to alleviate the impact of job loss on the livelihoods and wellbeing of those affected, providing some financial breathing space to find new employment or transition to something new. Given the importance of redundancy […]

Payment in Lieu of Notice: PILON Rules

sms level 1 user

Payment in lieu of notice, or PILON, is where an employee is paid by their employer for their notice period instead of them working this time when their employment is terminated without notice. PILON can apply to many different types of dismissal. If an employer fails to meet their obligations by not paying the correct […]

Should You Offer Voluntary Redundancy?

voluntary redundancy

Voluntary redundancy is an option for employers to consider as an alternative to making compulsory redundancies. For employers, it is important to understand the legal and personnel issues of offering voluntary redundancy to avoid complaints and potential legal claims. In this guide, we explain what voluntary redundancy means and how it works in practice, as […]

SOSR Dismissal: What Is Some Other Substantial Reason?

sosr dismissal

To dismiss an employee lawfully, employers have to be able to provide a fair reason. There are five potentially fair reasons for dismissal set out under section 98 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. These relate to employee conduct, capability and performance, redundancy, breach of a statutory restriction or Some Other Substantial Reason (SOSR).   […]

Can You Dismiss An Employee On Sick Leave?

Can You Dismiss An Employee On Sick Leave

Employers can lawfully dismiss an employee who is off sick, provided they have a fair reason for dismissal, act reasonably in all the circumstances and follow a fair procedure. The following guide for employers on dismissal due to sickness absence looks at what amounts to potential grounds for dismissal in this context, from conduct to […]

Wrongful Dismissal: Employers’ Guide

wrongful dismissal

Wrongful dismissal is a specific type of claim where an employee is alleging their employer has breached contractual terms when terminating their employment. In this guide, we consider the legal and practical implications of wrongful dismissal claims and the measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of tribunal proceedings.   What is wrongful […]

HR1 Form for Redundancies

hr1 form

When making workforce redundancies, employers have to meet certain legal obligations, depending on factors such as the number of jobs that are at risk and the timeframe within which the redundancies will take place. In some cases, the employer may also be required to provide the Secretary of State advance notice of collective redundancies using […]

Collective Consultation for Redundancies

collective consultation

Making workers redundant can be fraught with legal pitfalls. Employers are under strict obligations to follow specific procedures including, where applicable, collective consultation with affected individuals. This is to help ensure that the redundancy process is fair, providing employee representatives and affected staff with the chance to have their say and make alternative suggestions. In […]

Termination of Employment Letter: What to Include

termination of employment letter

Terminating someone’s employment can be fraught with legal risks for employers, not least where an employee has accrued the right to claim unfair dismissal. As such, it is important to follow a fair dismissal process, including notifying the employee in writing of the reasons for their dismissal and the effective date upon which their employment […]

Termination of Employment (How to Dismiss?)

termination of employment

Employment can come to an end for one of many different reasons. An employee may leave a job through choice by resigning, or they may be retiring, a fixed term contract may be ending or the employer may decide to dismiss the individual. In this guide for employers, we discuss how employment may be terminated and […]